Vom Hundhaus
German Shepherds
Tampa Bay, Florida USA
/Quality Bred German Shepherds and Berger Blanc Suisse
German Shepherd Dogs and Puppies for Sale in Tampa Bay Florida USA

As expert breeders of German Shepherd Dogs for over 40 years, we understand the importance of providing quality animals to our clients. When it comes to finding a companion for your family, it's imperative that you find a dog with the right temperament, one that is gentle and loving that can also perform. This is why we take care to ensure that all our dogs go through comprehensive health screens, pedigree analysis, and other measures that ensure that our dogs are of the highest quality. Contact us today to find your perfect family companion. See our German Shepherd Puppies for sale at Vom Hundhaus Shepherds in Florida USA, Or call us at 727.687.5338 or 727.687.5339